A Prayer to the Holy Spirit for the Diocese of Charlotte

Come Holy Spirit,
Illumine the Church in the Diocese of Charlotte.
Let the dew of Thy divine gifts fall copiously and abundantly upon all the faithful.
May our Bishop and our priests be divinely enlightened,
and may the minds and hearts of all the faithful
be elevated by Thine interior inspirations and supernatural impulses.

Grant that Thy Church, in the Diocese of Charlotte,
in which Thou dost dwell as the source of her life,
may, by our patient sufferings with Christ,
merit an increased participation
in that most complete communication of the Holy Spirit
which He did obtain for the Church, His Bride,
through the shedding of His Most Precious Blood.

May our cooperation with Thine inspirations
merit that the abundant streams of divine grace,
which flow from our exalted Head,
will overflow their bounds and saturate our land
with the gifts of humility, reverence, piety, charity,
orthodoxy, a love for Tradition, a fidelity to the Faith,
an obedience to Christ, and a faithful discernment of the spirits of this age.

Grant that Thy Church, and we by our union with her,
may be, with Christ, an unfailing instrument in the work of Redemption.
On the Cross, Christ opened up the fountain of divine gifts.
Grant that the Diocese of Charlotte may drink deeply from this spring
and obtain the blessings we need to persevere in faith and grace.