Write to the Nuncio
Should the Bishop persist in his course after being addressed by a priest or a member of the lay Faithful of his Diocese, and continue to…
violate or ignore the rights of the Faithful or
act in a manner that does not first consider the spiritual needs of the Faithful or
deny the Faithful proper access to the Sacraments or
ignore the Canons (laws) governing the liturgy or
break with the permitted liturgical traditions of the Church and/or those of the Diocese or
impose on the Faithful novelties which merely reflect his own whims, in violation of Church law and tradition, and which are found to be harmful to the spiritual growth of the Diocese or
act in any other way that is not a proper exercise of his episcopal authority or
act in a way that is similar to these and is the cause of spiritual disturbance among those whom he has been tasked to shepherd as a Father…
… the Faithful should make it known to the Nuncio, after first (if prudent) expressing their concern to the Bishop himself.
It is appropriate (and encouraged by the Church) that the Faithful make known their concerns to the members of the Church’s hierarchy.
Further, the Faithful are encouraged to write to the Nuncio. The more he hears from the Faithful in the Diocese of the Bishop, the more clear the concerns will become.
It is important for the Faithful to be sure to compose their letters in a respectful and humble tone, yet also clear and direct. The Nuncio is a Cardinal, a Successor of the Apostles, and is due honor and respect.
The Nuncio is the one tasked with representing the Holy Father in the United States and, therefore, he likewise owes the Faithful honor and respect. We should write to the Nuncio as to one in whom we have confidence that he will take seriously our concerns and will respond to us in Christian charity and paternal solicitude.
The Apostolic Nuncio
3339 Massachusetts Ave NW,
Washington DC, 20008
+1 (202)333-7121