Apostolate for the Protection, Preservation, and Propagation

of the Holy Catholic Faith in the Diocese of Charlotte

“The Christian faithful are free to make known to the pastors of the Church their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires.” c. 212 §2

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The Mission of Faithful Advocate

Protect the Faith

This Apostolate is dedicated to ensuring that the Holy Catholic Faith, currently thriving in the Diocese of Charlotte, is not diminished after this local Church has seen such growth.

Preserve the Faith

By educating the Faithful on their religious rights, and by encouraging them to advocate for these rights, this apostolate hopes to preserve, with full integrity, the Holy Catholic Faith in the Diocese of Charlotte.

Propagate the Faith

Through a lively effort to preserve and protect the Holy Catholic Faith in the Diocese of Charlotte, this Apostolate hopes that the traditions of our Holy Catholic Faith will thrive and spread as a result of a renewed gratitude to Almighty God.

“I will not leave you orphans”

Holy Mother Church is our Recourse

The Rights of the Faithful

We must know our religious rights and demand that they be respected by the Bishops who are our spiritual fathers and shepherds.

The Catholic Church, in which dwells the Kingdom of God on earth, is governed by rules. Many of these are to ensure open access to the spiritual means God has provided for the successful sojourn of His Faithful toward eternity. These rules are for the more complete dispensation of the graces entrusted to her by the Divine Master, Jesus Christ Our Lord. Learn your rights and let the Bishops and priests know that these need to be honored.


“Our Help is in the Name of the Lord”

Our Union with Christ obtains the divine assistance

“The Prayer of a Righteous man…”

We must live in accordance with our spiritual dignity in order to defend our Church and convert the hardened hearts of those who go astray.

By virtue of our Baptism, we are made true members of the Mystical Body of Christ. As a result, we cooperate with Christ in His work of salvation. By His gracious will, Christ our God has chosen to depend on us for the spreading of His Kingdom and for the salvation of souls. Our prayers and penances are powerful means of interceding with God and obtaining graces. Learn more about the power of prayer by which we may obtain from Our Lord the graces our Diocese desperately needs.